Special souls

Discover those hidden gems

Countries and men

   At the heart of my travels, there’s always this encounter with humanity. The human who walks the earth, leaving their mark with each step. The human who animates, who beautifies a scene with their movement, their gestures, simply by being present in everyday moments. By their very existence, they bring life to a moment, making it photogenic. Sometimes, when I’m moved or touched, I attempt to capture them. A challenging task in Morocco but so easy in India; each country has its own values, customs, and contrasts. These differences are always enriching, expanding the boundaries of the mind.

   And then, there are those encounters that inspire me to write and share a piece of what I live, what I see. My vision of life, and the beauty of strangers. I ask them a few questions to dig deeper, beyond my gaze, to understand, even a little, what lies within them. »